PVC Curtain Strips: Enhancing Cold Room Efficiency.

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The Seal Company goes above and beyond when it comes to protecting the integrity of your cold storage facilities with our PVC curtain strips. The benefits of PVC door curtains will be discussed in this blog post along with our two varieties, Standard Grade and Polar Grade. Additionally, we will go through the features of our single curtain strips and our custom curtain sets for all your cold storage requirements.


Why Install PVC Curtain Strips?

PVC door curtains are a valuable addition to any cold room or commercial refrigeration setup. There are many benefits of installing PVC strip curtains that serve various purposes that contribute to the efficiency and safety of your operations:

Temperature Control: Firstly, cold room curtains excel in temperature control, maintaining consistent temperatures between two areas. This is crucial, especially in places like cold storage rooms where precise temperature management is vital.

Energy Efficiency: Furthermore, by minimizing temperature fluctuations, PVC curtains reduce the strain on your cooling systems, leading to energy cost savings.

Hygiene and Contamination Control: These curtains create a barrier against airborne contaminants. This ensures that your stored items remain uncontaminated and safe for consumption. On top of that, cleaning them is a breeze; a simple wipe with warm soapy water using a cloth or sponge does the job.

Visibility and Accessibility: In addition, PVC curtain strips allow for clear visibility and easy access within your cold room improving safety.


Two Main Types: Standard Grade and Polar Grade

At The Seal Company, we understand that different cold storage environments require different solutions. That is why we offer two primary types of cold storage curtains:

Standard Grade (Type 1): Our Standard Grade PVC strip curtains stay flexible and crack-resistant to temperatures as low as -15°C. They are ideal for applications with moderate temperature variations, such as walk-in coolers and less extreme cold storage areas.

Polar Grade (Type 2): Our Polar Grade PVC curtains are the perfect choice for the most demanding cold storage environments. With exceptional flexibility and crack resistance down to -25°C, these curtains are suitable for walk-in freezers, blast freezers, and other extremely cold applications.


Single PVC Curtain Strips: Easy and Efficient

Our curtains are available in single PVC strips of both standard and polar grade. Each strip includes a stainless-steel hook-on plate. This feature simplifies installation, securely holding the strip in place and allowing for easy replacement when needed. The single curtain strips are a convenient solution for maintaining your cold storage environment.

Single PVC STrip DOor Curtains used for Coldrooms

Curtain Sets: Customized for Your Needs

In addition to single curtain strips, we offer curtain sets that are fully customizable to meet your unique requirements. These sets typically include six strips and a hook-on head rail that attaches to the top of the door. We can make both Standard Grade Kits and Polar Grade Kits.

Moreover, The Seal Company can custom-make walk-in cooler curtain sets tailored to your exact measurements or grade. We can create curtains that perfectly align with your cold storage setup.

In conclusion, strip curtains from The Seal Company are a versatile and effective solution for temperature control, energy efficiency, and contamination prevention in your cold storage facilities. With two types available, as well as single curtain strips and customizable curtain sets, we have all your needs covered. For top-quality PVC strip curtains and other commercial refrigeration solutions, contact The Seal Company today. We are committed to ensuring the reliability and efficiency of your cold storage equipment.

Elevate your cold room efficiency with PVC strip curtains from The Seal Company!

Contact Us to find the ideal solution for your cold storage requirements.

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